IntelliChief, a provider of automated document management and workflow enterprise content management (ECM) solutions, now includes configurable index panels.

The index panels are meant to eliminate manual data entry into ERP systems’ accounts payable, non-purchase order invoice data. This is aimed at enabling general ledger coding automation to be executed by one person.
IntelliChief ECM works by taking non-PO invoice information entered into the system’s index panels, placing those panels into IntelliChief’s repository, and then matching those vendor and transaction details with associated documentation for each purchase. In an IntelliChief integration with any ERP or line of business system, that information is then sent to validate, verify and update system data, which removes the need for ERP data keying and reindexing.
After communicating with the ERP, the IntelliChief software then takes the documents into its ECM’s automated workflow for review and approval in accordance with a company’s business processes. Approval signatures can be added electronically.
Technology editor for Accounting Today.