Free Tax Filing

March, 2015

Exhausted and exasperated over your tax filing? Gone are the days when it was a routine for taxpayers to undergo stress and confusion in order to file their taxes. You can now simply opt for free tax filing online. This allows for increased flexibility, easy to access resources, and overall, a simpler and transparent method of filing taxes.

The Internal Revenue Service has consistent partnerships with many private sector tax software companies that allows for federal income tax preparation and access to online tax filing interface absolutely free for eligible taxpayers. Please note that eligibility criteria are different for different companies offering online tax filing solutions through IRS. Get detailed guidance here. Some companies also offer state tax return preparation and e-filing facilities.

Federal tax filing online is completely free and can save you a lot of hassle and time. You can save your calculations online which means that there is no need for you to sweat over calculations multiple times and enter them manually. Scope for errors are drastically minimized since most online tax filing systems automatically evaluate your input. You can file your taxes anywhere as long as you have a secure net connection. Free tax filing online can ensure tax returns within two weeks after filing taxes